All you need is a springform pan, some dark chocolate, orange marmalade, and a few staple cakey fixins, and just look at that yummy batter!
You'll need:
1/2 c. (100 g) butter (I use salted - doesn't really matter)
4 oz. (114 g - I use two bars of Meiji Black) dark chocolate, broken into pieces
1 1/3 c. orange marmalade
1/2 c. sugar
pinch of salt
2 large eggs, beaten
1 c. self-rising cake flour (I use Japanese "soft" flour and it seems to work just dandy)
8-inch (20-cm) springform pan, buttered and floured
Do this:
Preheat your oven to 350 F/175 C. Put the chopped-up butter in a pan on low to melt, and when it's pretty much all melted, add the chocolate. Stir for a second or two, then take the pan off the heat and stir it all up till it's gooey and smooth. Stir in the marmalade, salt, sugar, and eggs, then beat in the flour bit by bit. (The recipe doesn't call for this, but at this stage of the game, this last time I made the cake, I stirred in about 1/2 c. unmelted 60% cacao chips - added a lovely new dimension of melty choccy pockets after it was baked.) Pour into the pan and bake for about 50 minutes (start checking after 45). Cool in the pan for 10 minutes before taking it out. I like to dust confectioner's sugar over ours for a little bit of a snowy effect.
Eat it warm or cold, and your taste buds will throw a party in your honor. Doesn't even have to be your birthday.
Orange and chocolate is one of my favourite flavour combinations. Belated birthday wishes to Joel and Stephen.
oh, yum! it's beautiful, abigail. and i love that goddess; she's the best.
happy birthday, birthday boy!
Oh, YUM.
Happy Late Birthday! Someone is lucky to have such a delicious cake :)
So, do you like this cake better warm or chilled?
looks yummy! What about leavening? holding jun, sorry!
looks delicious! happy belated!
Ivy - I LOVE chocolate and orange, too - have you ever tried those Terry's chocolate orange balls? Yum.
Cate - Me, too - I can't get enough of Nigella's recipes. They used to show her on TV here in Japan but I haven't seen her lately - like in the past 6 years or so!
Lo - I'll pass on the birthday wishes - I remember that WISH cake you made - so beautiful! How did you make those letters? I like this both ways - warm with a cup of tea or cold with a glass of milk. Mmmmm.
Kim - I didn't have to worry about leavening - I wonder if it's because of the orange marmalade? It rises really well. Every once in a while the middle falls in later, but usually it stands up nice and strong.
K and S - Thanks - will tell Stephen! And happy birthday again to Satoshi as well.
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