OK, folks {sigh of regret over wasted precious ingredients}, if you're ever, ever, ever tempted to make
Recipe Zaar's lemon sour cream muffins, just take my word for it and DON'T. I read all the raving reviews and thought, hey, that sounds great. But the batter turned into what-the-heck-this stuff-is-carbonated-and-fizzing-out-my-nose, and the first batch turned into ")#($')()"#'$)"('&$%#$%#$&"&-I-now-have-to-clean-my-oven-because-they-morphed-into-Godzilla-and-they're-taking-over-my-house muffins. I added less batter to the next pan, but they didn't rise and the texture was just crazy. It seemed like my big bowl of batter was ever expanding to fill every tin I owned, including two muffin pans, two mini-muffin pans, and a mini-loaf pan as well (and the recipe says it makes TEN muffins - my eyeball). I've made quite a few muffins in my day and I've never experienced anything like this, people.

I even used up some of my preciouses dried cranberries (which I first boiled in orange juice to soften up). What a disappointment. Even the finished product tasted like wacky lemon soda with a bit of flour. The cranberries didn't do one bit to help.

The mini loaf was the only semi-edible bit of all of the mess, though even that was a sad, sad shadow of what I expected it to be.

At least all of you can learn from my mistake, and I leave some muffin wisdom with you for the weekend: If you have some lemons and sour cream that you need to use up pronto, you're better off juicing the lemon, drinking it straight, and spooning the sour cream out of the container straight into your expectant gob.
Now go get that juicer and spoon ready. Pucker up and happy Saturday!
kitchen monsters...at least the little ones are safe. Very funny (not for you)
I think all of that lemon juice and the baking soda/powder chemically reacted together! I'm sorry it didn't turn out right. I hate wasting food too.
Joan, phew, hey! :) Actually, at first I was miffed and then I laughed - how could exploding muffins not tickle your funny bone! :)
Reeni, I know, I couldn't believe how it all exploded! It was pretty funny!
oh no, sorry to see/hear that...I hate to waste too...sending you a hug!
Thanks, K and S! Yes, I was pretty bummed at the time but then I laughed about it! What a palaver. Thanks for the hugs! :)
Every time we try something we learn more. Here you did a good job telling this to us. thank you. By the way, if you hadn't written anything, I would have thought that these are gorgeous. Photos are great!
I had a similar experience with a banana bread. Don't get disappointed. Things like these happen all the time.
It's interesting when these things happen! All you can do with someone's recipe is trust that everything works, but if it doesn't, it's all a learning experience. You could probably tweak the recipe, so it comes out just perfect next time. Maybe no soda...?
Zerrin, thanks! I appreciate the encouragement. :)
Ivy, you had the same thing happen? Gosh. Yes, I was disappointed at first but then I just had to laugh! :)
Duodishes, I know what you mean! I could probably tweak this for later, but I just don't think I have the heart for it. :) I think it would be better with less or no soda, but the taste would still remind me of the catastrophe. :) At least I could laugh about it!
Ahhhh! Thanks for the story! And, I must say, I too would have been tempted by a recipe with lemon and sour cream. YIKES!
Kim, I know, it SOUNDED good! Ha! Maybe it worked for other people - I dunno.
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