You'll need:
200 g thinly sliced pork
400 g small turnips
100 g turnip greens
enough sesame oil for the pan
2 1/2 c. dashi (see this easy recipe from Just Hungry via La Fuji Mama)
1/4 c. sake
1 1/2 T. sugar
150 g miso
Do this:
1. Cut meat into 4 cm strips.
2. Cut each turnip into 6 wedge sections and the greens into 1 cm lengths.
3. Cook the pork in the sesame oil till the pinkness is gone, then add the turnips. Mix the miso into the dashi, then add that plus the sake and sugar to the pot, and keep it simmering on medium heat for 8 minutes.
4. When the turnip is soft (poke it with a skewer to test), add the leaves, wilt, and serve immediately.
This is so, so yummy and great warming winter food for your tummy. I served it over multi-grain rice that has 16 different kinds of little beans and grains (a mix that you just add to your regular white rice in the rice cooker). I was planning on sprinkling some toasted sesame seeds over the top, but in the heat of the moment it slipped my mind. Next time!
Have this over the rice of your choice and with sweet-hot lotus root on the side...yummers.
Love your website design and your funny profile. Envy you for being in Japan. Your cooking style is very versatile and the dishes look great.
Thanks, shavedicesundays! Welcome to Mamatouille! I'm heading over to check out your blog...
I love, love, love the look of your blog. All the food looks and sounds great. I am going to try the lemony spinach...though I am a sucker for any wilted green
Thanks mommygourmet! That lemony spinach is so so easy, and really yummy too! Let me know how you like it!
You've really got it made to have access to some great ingredients and recipes. We can find a lot of these things in the States, but it's more fun to say you're doing all this fun cooking in another country. This sounds like a delicious winter dish!
Duodishes, yes, I love living and cooking in Japan! I think if we ever move anywhere else I'll really miss it.
Oh yum!! I'm so behind with my blog reading, thanks for the shout out! :-)
FM - no problem! :)
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